February 22, 2001 Minutes

System and Resource Library Administrators Association of Wisconsin

Minutes of the meeting held on February 22, 2001, Madison, Wisconsin
WLA Conference Room

Those present by way of a sign up sheet were: Mark Morse, David Weinhold, Janet Jennings Linda Stobbe, Matthew Bollerman, Karen Krueger, Ruth Ann Montgomery, Alan Engelbert Jim Zwadlo (new System Director of Southwest Library System), Tom Hennen, Mary Bethke, Tom Strange, Cal Potter, Alan Zimmerman, Pam Kiesner, Mark Merrifield, Pete Hamon, Rick Krumwiede, Ken Hall, Heather Eldred, Paul Nelson, Kate Huston, Doris Nix, Bob Bocher, Kathy
Schneider, Milt Mitchell, and Bernie Bellin, recording secretary.

I. Call to order: Chair Milt Mitchell called the meeting to order at 10:12 a.m.

II. Quorum determination: The Chair announced that a quorum was present.

III. The new System Director of Southwest Library System, Jim Zwadlo, was introduced and everyone introduced himself or herself. (At this point any normal human would be hopelessly lost, but Jim pressed on.)

IV. There were no additions or changes to the agenda. However, Ken Hall shamelessly plugged the new Trustee Newsletter done jointly by OWLS and WINNEFOX library systems.

V. A motion to approve the minutes posted to the SRLAWW web site from December 15, 2000, as printed was approved. (Strange/Huston)

VI. The Nominating Committee (Joan Airoldi and Tom Strange) reported a slate of officers as follows:

Chair: Barb Dimick, Madison Public Library
Vice-Chair: David Polodna, Winding Rivers Library System
Treasurer: David Polodna will remain treasurer as long as it is feasible for him to do both tasks for SRLAAW

A unanimous ballot was cast and approved. (Eldred/Krumwiede) Since neither the Chair nor Vice-Chair was present, Milt served as Chair Pro tem on a motion by Krumwiede/Strange. Motion carried.

VII. New Business:

A. Treasurer’s Report—No report, treasurer not in attendance.

B. WATF Dissolution Discussion: This discussion and the 2002-2003 Biennium Budget were inter-discussed at this time. The chair of the WATF opposed the dissolution of that Board and was not present at the meeting when the vote was taken. Some of the $18.5 million was used for McCallum’s budget proposal. This is a very draconian (Cal’s word, I would never think of this) budget for the DPI and its agencies. There is money in the budget as presented, it is the job of librarians and trustees to influence the priorities. (For instance, McCallum provided for a corporate tax decrease when such a tax cut was not asked for.) A. Zimmerman explained that the impact on system funding would be substantial in the next biennium. Currently we are at 10.1%, but would drop to 9.5% in 2002 and under 8% in 2003. Keep focus on 13% or it will be too far removed for anyone to consider the number when we are at less than 8% in 2003. P. Nelson stated that WLA and LD&L’s position is that the deficit that McCallum is talking about is based on priorities and the total budget request package. There is not the huge deficit, the governor wants us to think there is. Librarians need to keep 13% in front of Assembly Republicans and the Governor. Any letters sent should be copied to George Lightbourne. Paul will do a sample letter for systems to distribute to member libraries and their trustees. He cautioned everyone to not vent when writing to Republicans, be civil—vent with the Democrats. The status quo (no increase) is a cut in our funding. Point out that money for libraries and education is preventative as opposed to corrective later on. Ask why the tax cut was necessary if it was not asked for. There was a great deal of discussion on how to be successful with the 13% request. LD&L will coordinate testifying and speaking to the budget as the hearings move about the state.

C. UNIFYING VISION REPORT: Karen Krueger presented the report (located elsewhere on this web site) for recommendation.

First Recommendation: That we recommend that the public library systems compile information on the use and need of electronic resources and that a committee be formed to analyze this data and contact the vendors. DLTCL would be invited to participate in this process. We also recommend that the funds for enhanced electronic resources be taken from system aids, prior to distribution of the funds to systems, to assure statewide access. Improved system funding would be needed to make this practical. On a motion by M. Merrifield, second by T. Strange, SRLAAW moved that M. Bollerman act as one of the SRLAAW designated representatives on the WiLS Shared Electronic Services Committee. Motion carried. On a motion by D. Weinhold, second by A. Engelbert, it was moved to table funding on the Unifying Vision Recommendation #1 on shared electronic resources.

Second Recommendation: Badgercard. On a motion by K. Hall, second by T. Strange, SRLAAW recommended that when systems get full (13%) state aids, that a new system mandate be created to require statewide open access, i.e., public libraries in each system have to agree to allow borrowing from any resident of the state. We also recommend that Wisconsin Statute 43.12 be revised to specify that counties shall pay at least 70% of the cost of service provided by libraries in any county to their residents who do not pay a municipal library tax. Motion carried (after much discussion about the portion of the recommendation being a new mandate).

Third Recommendation: Minimum Standards. On a motion by B. Bellin, second by K. Huston, SRLAAW recommended a statutory change to revise system membership requirements to mandate that libraries meet certain minimum standards, that the standards be developed by 2002, and that libraries be given three years to meet them. This effort would need to be done cooperatively with WLA, DLTCL, SRLAAW, and the library community generally. Motion carried with two noes—J. Jennings (Superior Public Library) and Linda Stobbe (Northern Waters Library System).

Fourth Recommendation: Research & Development. On a motion by T. Hennen, second by H. Eldred, SRLAAW recommended that systems collaborate with each other and with other institutions, using existing state aid funds and grant monies, to implement some R & D projects that can benefit all Wisconsin’s libraries. Motion carried.

Fifth Recommendation: 24/7 Reference Service. On a motion by M. Morse, second by K. Huston, SRLAAW recommended that a committee be formed to investigate the feasibility of providing 24/7 reference service via existing or new services. The committee would need to be a joint effort of WLA, SRLAAW, etc. The committee should also consider how the public would be informed of the availability of such a service. Motion carried.

Sixth Recommendation: Rethinking System Structure. No action was taken. Decisions will be announced on the SRLAAW web site.


D. Representative to ALA Legislative Day: Mark Merrifield and Tom Strange will attend ALA Legislative Day. SRLAAW will pay for T. Strange to attend, NFLS will pay for Mark to attend. Both will report back to SRLAAW.

E. NetLibrary project and WATF: The work of the WPLC has been well received. P. Hamon reported that the big push for the netLibrary project would be during National Library Week. About 5,000 titles are currently available to borrowers.


A. LITAC — a) WISCAT R. Bocher reported for S. Drew. The RFP’s for a new and improved or totally new WISCAT have been returned and the WISCAT sub-committee will be reviewing the proposals with a report to LITAC expected in Mar/Apr.
b) Linked System Project A smaller version of the pilot project utilizing three systems in the state will be prepared for spring of 2002. At this time it looks like the systems to be linked would be DRA, GEAC, and EpixTech.

B. LSTA FUNDING: C. Potter reported that the national request for LSTA funding will be increased from $300 million to $500 million—with hopes of a substantial increase to be realized form the request. SRLAAW members will be asked to support the request and ‘put a home face’ on the issue. The LSTA Advisory Committee will be meeting in early March.

C. Legislative Issues: 1) Filtering: R. Bocher reported that the state initiative for Internet filtering is a K-12 issue. Federal filtering is, as we all know, connected to e rate funding. In the Children’s Protection Act, filtering is referred to as technology prevention software and need not be exclusive. The FCC is addressing the clause for turning the filtering on and/or off, depending on patron requests. The FCC is seeking clarification by July 2001. As R. Bocher reported, the only charges that are subject to loss of funding, for public libraries, would be the WiscNet charges. TEACH T1 lines are not a part of this. The level of filtering that must be provided has also not been addressed.

2) Municipal Utility Network Prohibition: C. Potter reported that it would be introduced again. The League of Municipalities and other governmental organizations/leagues will oppose it.

3) Other items: Albers bill allow parents access to circulation records of children who are 16 and under. Circulating for petitions at this time. SB60 will be introduced if it does not make it through the budget cycle.

D. E-Rate Funding: E-rate will be part of the Bush Education Block Grant Program. It won’t happen as part of the Bush Budget Agenda. Most of the discussion on e rate took place in C, above.

E. Delivery of Library Materials Advisory Committee: D. Weinhold reported that the committee continues to struggle with what is a viable, timely, convenient AND cost effective method of delivery. More to come.

F. Summer Library Program (referred to as the Summer Reading Program on the agenda): C. Potter reported for Larry Nix that Wisconsin will continue to participate in the consortium with other Midwestern states. It is working well at huge cost savings to DLTCL.

G. WiLS: K. Schneider left the meeting early, but M. Mitchell reporter that her raison d’être was addressed. (Earlier in the meeting SRLAAW appointed someone to the WiLS Electronic Shared Services Committee—M. Bollerman)

At this time Rick Krumwiede commended the outgoing chair for his years (and years) of service. A rousing round of relief—I mean applause—followed Rick’s very well deserved recommendation.

Meeting adjourned in the 2:05pm time frame.

The Date of the Next Meeting will be at the call of the new Chair, Barb Dimick.

Bernard Bellin, Recorder

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