Developing a Unifying Vision for Library Services in Wisconsin
In early 2000, SRLAAW began a process to explore strategies for improving state funding for public library systems. Included in this process was a retreat, meetings of local library representatives held in some system areas, a survey of individual public libraries, and a presentation at the 2000 Wisconsin Library Association annual conference. Listed below are links to the various documents that were created as part of this process.
The Pursuit of a Unifying Vision for Wisconsin Library Development (PDF)
This is the final report from the committee to SRLAAW. Actions taken on the recommendations are recorded in the February 22, 2001 meeting minutes.
An Invitation to the Library Community
A letter from Milton Mitchell, Chair, SRLAAW; Barbara Kelly, President, WLA; Calvin Potter, Administrator, DLTCL.
SRLAAW Retreat Discussion Paper: Developing a Unifying Vision for Library Services in Wisconsin (PDF)
Posted on this web site is the discussion paper that resulted from the SRLAAW retreat held March 2-3, 2000. This paper is also available in PDF format. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view it. If you do not have this program, you may download it at no
Comparison of Sample Models A, B & C (PDF)
This document contains a table that summarizes the three models included in the main discussion paper. Libraries are cautioned not to try to identify their needs in one of these three models. Please view this document as but one illustration of a wide range of possibilities that could emerge from the principles and themes contained in the discussion paper.
SRLAAW Unifying Vision Meetings (PDF)
As part of this process, meetings will be held by public library systems around the state to solicit input from public librarians and trustees. The goal of the meetings is to obtain input from public library staff and trustees about how, for the next 10-20 years, the state should be involved in providing services to public libraries, and what the nature of those services should be. This document outlines a process that systems can use to structure their meetings in order to obtain the desired input.
Unifying Vision for Library Service in Wisconsin: Response Form (PDF)
Attendees will be asked to complete this form at the conclusion of system discussion meetings. One form is to be completed for each library represented at a given meeting. On the form, library representatives are asked to identify their library and to rank the principles and themes in their order of importance to that library. The response form contains two additional questions.